In one week

Damn! That was quick! My wife and I are amazed at how much progress was made to our new house in PA. (Yes, we are moving).

Here is a pic taken on June 5th, 2005:

Picture Taken June 5th, 2005

Here is a pic taken on June 12th, 2005:

Picture Taken June 12th, 2005

To me, its a huge difference.

We knew that once the builder had the foundation up, that the framing would come quick. We didn’t expect most of the framing to be done however. Admittedly, I don’t know much about new home construction or framing wood homes but it looks like its roughly 75% done to me. I could be wrong obviously. I guess good weather had a lot to do with it. I am going on vacation the end of this week so I wont see the progress of the house for two weeks. I can just imagine how much they will have up by then… the wiring and insulation perhaps? Quick note on the wiring: We, well me really, elected for the builders “structured wiring“, more on that later. Anyway, all I can say is that we cant wait to move in.

By the way, the pics above are in fact 3 or 4 pictures that were stitched together to create a single landscape picture. Notice the not-so-aligned edges in the middle? If you are a windows freak, and you want to know how I did it, let me know, it was mega easy using Photoshop Elements. I’m sure Linux has a similar solution using Gimp but I have never tried it.

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